Paper :: Maps

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Paper :: Maps


** Please email us at to place an order and we'll add a product here for you to purchase based on the below pricing.**

:: download an info packet here ::

We all have smart phones, but sometimes the best way to get around or inspire your guests to explore is with an old-fashioned paper map. Original artwork, fully customizable and digitally printed in full color on lovely, thick paper.

Great for welcome bags, save -the-dates, or including in your invitation suite. We suggest adding a weekend itinerary to the backside!

d e s i g n   f e e s

All new, original artwork                  $265

5-6 existing icons, + 1 custom icon  $165

Each additional existing icon             $10

Each additional new, custom icon  $35


p l u s p r i n t c o s t s

Single panel, one-sided print          $1.25/per

Single panel, double-sided print    $1.75/per

Tri-fold, one-sided print                    $2.50/per

Tri-fold, double-sided print                $3/per

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